Visiting Thailand should prove to be an unforgettable and highly enjoyable experience but it is a good idea to get an idea of what to expect before you get there so that you know how to deal with a variety of different scenarios, including potential cultural differences.

Here are some pointers on how to travel around Thailand safely and a guide to their culture, which could prove invaluable if you are trying to do business and work there.

Getting around

If you are traveling around Thailand and have meetings and deadlines to keep up with it is worth remembering that the major cities like Bangkok can be quite a challenge to negotiate because of the high volume of traffic.

Staying somewhere like the Sathorn Vista, for example, could prove to be a useful base if you want to get around the city of Bangkok from a good starting point, but you should anticipate delays and allow for this if you are driving through the streets.

Don’t set unrealistic schedules that don’t allow for the high volume of traffic that you will find on most of the main routes in the big cities.

First impressions count

Another important aspect of getting along with the Thai people you meet for work and, in general, is to understand how much emphasis is placed on making a good first impression when you are initially introduced.

Appreciating and embracing the relevance of adopting the right body language, following common cultural courtesies like greeting the person in the traditional manner, all help to build a rapport that can last a lifetime once that common bond has been established between you.

Thai people are often very passive in their attitude toward problems and you will find many you will meet will have a willing attitude to get along with you, but it certainly helps if you can make the effort to respect their cultural ways when you are trying to make that all-important first impression.

Your attendance is required

Many of us from different parts of the globe are now accustomed to conducting video conferences and doing business over the phone or by email as a time-saving and cost-effective alternative to traveling and meeting someone in person.

You will quickly discover that Thai people like to do business on a face-to-face basis and you will have to put in the groundwork and the effort to build a relationship by meeting in person if you want to enjoy success.

Get your presentation right

It is also worth remembering that Thais are deeply Buddhist people and this means they place a big emphasis on outward forms of courtesy.

Your presentation style should aim to be non-confrontational and courteous, avoiding any attempt to criticize or embarrass.

A relaxed and friendly attitude that shows respect to their beliefs and cultures will get you a long way when you are doing business in Thailand.

Plan your trip to Thailand by working out the logistics of your schedule it pays to a bit of cultural homework before you go so that you can make a good impression and enjoy your time in this beautiful country.

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